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Sawgrass Community Church
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Visitor Information

We are a community of believers that choose to love in a way that matters and to focus more on the things that unite us rather than be divided by the things that distract us.

Whether it's your first visit or your 100th visit to SCC, we hope that you feel welcomed and leave encouraged and challenged. We believe that God has given us a vision of unity for His church as Jesus prayed in John 17:21. We want to be a place where no matter your background, no matter your culture or language, you feel welcome to worship at Sawgrass Community Church.

We believe there is power in the unity of God's children as they Worship One, Love Everyone, and Serve as One!


We meet each Sunday Afternoon @ 2:00 pm.

5901 Taylor Street | Hollywood, Fl 33021

Phone: (954) 475-8700

*We meet in the Hollywood Church of the Nazarene building

    Sawgrass Community Church
    **Currently, we are meeting in person as well as online using ZOOM. You can view the sermons on our YouTube channel or join us on Sunday and Thursdays via Zoom. The opportunities are endless! If you would like to join us, please contact us with your email so you can get the appropriate link.**

    ***NEW LOCATION***
    We meet at 5901 Taylor Street |Hollywood, FL 33021 | PH: (954) 475-8700
    Mailing Address| P. O. Box # 5606
    Hollywood, Fl 33083
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